Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are parasites that are very small. Protect your cat with a parasite prevention plan.

Fleas and tick prevention is a very important part of caring for your kitty. The discomfort and health problems associated with fleas and ticks can easily be prevented. Kittens are especially sensitive to fleas. Talk to your veterinarian today to see what approach is best for your feline friend!

What are fleas?

Fleas are a common parasite we see here in Nova Scotia. They feed on the blood of the kitty and left untreated, can cause great discomfort and can cause health problems. They are fast little parasites and can be very difficult to treat if you do not use the correct product in the correct way for the correct amount of time. Contact a member of your Veterinary healthcare team to see what the best approach is for your kitty.

How do fleas harm the cats?

Left untreated, fleas cause great discomfort, can create skin infections and anemia (a decrease in red blood cells). Fleas are also capable of transmitting some diseases. The great news is that there are treatment options and wonderful preventatives!

Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?

Prevention is key to keep your pet free from the discomfort of fleas and the medical conditions they may cause. Though fleas will not “live” on humans, they will stop for a tasting, so prevention of fleas for your pet will help prevent you from being bitten as well.

Simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?

There are some fairly simple ways to treat fleas. The most readily used flea products come in topical or injectable forms. Most flea products are a full month of protection. Topical products can be purchased at your veterinary clinic and are easy to administer. The injectable flea control is used for prevention and is not the best choice for an existing flea infestation. Injectable flea control is administered by veterinary healthcare team members. It is important that all pets that can get fleas that live in the home are treated when you are addressing a flea infestation. Three months of consecutive treatment is needed to ensure all fleas are killed. Prevention thereafter is recommended.

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