Cat Vaccinations

Learn more about our vaccination plans and responsible pet care. Contact us today.

Vaccines are an important tool that we have to protect your kitty against preventable diseases that can be life threatening or fatal. They are the simplest, safest and most effective way to protect your cat. All cats have different lifestyles, health status, travel habits and risk factors, so we tailor our vaccines to your cat. For example, is your cat an indoor cat with no contact with other pets? Do you take your kitty out on a leash? Are they a kitty that spends a lot of time outside? We also have to keep in mind that vaccines not only keep our pets healthy but our family as well. Diseases such as rabies can be transmitted to humans.

Does my indoor cat need to be vaccinated?

We are often asked if indoor cats need to be vaccinated. The short answer is yes. The need for vaccination will depend on the lifestyle, health status and the risks your cat faces. In addition to any necessary vaccination(s), every cat should have an examination by a veterinarian at least once a year. Cats are experts at hiding any illness or the appearance of being vulnerable to predators so often when they start to show signs of illness, it isn’t in the early stages. Veterinarians may be able to detect signs of illness before you do. During those important visits, your veterinarian will be able to discuss with you the best approach to vaccination for your kitty.

What is FVRCP and core vaccine for cats?

FVRCP stands for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia. This combination vaccine is also sometimes referred to as the Distemper vaccination. This is the core vaccine veterinarians refer to when they speak of cat vaccines. Direct contact with an infected cat is not needed. Airborne exposure can affect your cat for the rest of their life, so prevention is key. Unvaccinated, your cat is at risk for a range of symptoms from respiratory illness, mouth sores, decreased appetite, weight loss to name a few. Unfortunately, for some cats, exposure can be fatal.

How often does my adult cat need vaccination?

Vaccine frequency will vary depending on the type of vaccine given and the lifestyle of the cat. Typically, vaccines are given anywhere from once a year to once every three years. Your veterinarian can let you know what the best approach and vaccines are to keep your kitty protected.

Are there any risk associated with vaccines?

Some pets may feel a little sluggish after a vaccination or develop a small, temporary, localized swelling at the vaccination site. True vaccine reactions are not common. If your pet experiences vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the face or has difficulty breathing, these are symptoms of a true vaccine reaction. Should this happen, call your Veterinarian right away. Vaccination is considered a very safe way to prevent very serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses. The vast majority of pets have no reaction to vaccinations at all.

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