Overweight Cat Help

Help your cat maintain a healthy weight with our weight management program.

We love our cats and love to make them happy. Giving food and treats to our cats is one way many people convey their love. The consequence of this for many pets is an epidemic of obesity. Obesity places your cat’s body in a constant state of inflammation. Obese pets are at a greater risk for diabetes, reduced mobility, respiratory issues, liver disease, increased anesthetic risk and reduced life span.

Is my cat fat?

A good guide to knowing if your cat is at a healthy weight is to take your fingers and gently slide them across your cat’s rib cage. You should easily be able to identify the ribs. If you are not sure if there is a rib under there, there is a good chance you should consider a weight loss plan for your feline companion. Take your own hand and make a fist. Now take your other hand and run your fingers along your knuckles. If you can feel the ribcage as easily as you can feel your knuckles, your cat is probably underweight and should be assessed by a veterinarian. Another guide to assessing excess weight is to look at your cat from above when they are standing. You should be able to see a waist. If you cannot, that is another indication weight loss may be warranted. If your cat is fluffy, you may not be able to see a waist through the fur. When uncertain, stop by our Veterinary hospital and our team will be more than happy to go over techniques to assess their body condition.

How can my cat lose weight?

Weight loss for indoor cats can be challenging but it can be done! Proper diet and exercise are needed. The first step is ensuring you are feeding a safe and effective diet for weight loss. It isn’t about just feeding less. We need to ensure your cat is getting the proper balance of nutrition with the proper amount of calories. Feeding small, frequent meals is best. Have your kitty use their natural hunting instincts to work for their food. Put kibble in a treat ball so they have to bat it around to get their food out. Feed them in different spots each day so they move around and check each spot for food. Canned food will increase their water consumption and make them feel fuller. Get an interactive fishing pole style toy for you to flick around and have them chase the toy at the end. Your cat will love you for it!

What is offered in a nutrition consultation?

The goal of a nutrition consultation is to assess the body condition of your kitty and review their medical history and lifestyle to determine the best approach to proper nutrition for your cat based on their individual needs. This will include how much you should be feeding, how often, what tips and tricks will help make your kitty stop waking you up at 3 am for food, how to feed in a manner that makes your kitty use their hunting instincts and how to increase activity for your cat.

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