Kitten Vaccinations

Schedule a checkup to get your feline friend the vaccines they need for a healthy life.

Vaccinations are key to disease prevention. Vaccinations are an easy way to protect your pet from many serious diseases including ones that can be transmitted to humans. Talk to your veterinary healthcare team member to discuss what your pet should be vaccinated against.

When do kittens get their first shots?

Kittens should be vaccinated starting at 8 weeks of age. If you adopt a kitten later than that and they have not been vaccinated yet or you are unsure, you should book an appointment right away. We would love to meet your new family member and give them a healthy start!

How often does my kitten need vaccines?

Kittens require a series of vaccinations usually at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. Vaccinations need to be boosted again 1 year later and then every 1-3 years depending on the type of vaccination given.

Does my kitten need only core vaccines?

The type of vaccinations your kitten needs will be dependent on their unique lifestyle and the risks they face. When you bring your kitten in for their visit the veterinarian will discuss with you the best vaccination approach for your cat to keep them protected. Not every cat needs the same vaccines and we treat each patient on an individual basis, partnering with you for their health and wellbeing.

Are there any risk associated with vaccines?

Some pets may feel a little sluggish after a vaccination or develop a small, temporary, localized swelling at the vaccination site. True vaccine reactions are not common. If your pet experiences vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the face or has difficulty breathing, these are symptoms of a true vaccine reaction. Should this happen, call your Veterinarian right away. Vaccination is considered a very safe way to prevent very serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses. The vast majority of pets have no reaction to vaccinations at all.

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