
Offering support, guidance, and empathetic care during challenging times.

There comes a time in every pet’s life when we will have to say goodbye. Euthanasia is chosen when a family makes the decision with their veterinarian that the time to say goodbye is now. This is a very personal decision a family needs to make, and our healthcare team will do everything we can to support you during this difficult time.

What is pet euthanasia and how do I know when it’s the right time?

Euthanasia is performed by a veterinarian. An injection of a drug is given intravenously which causes the death of the pet. The pet passes away very quickly. The phrase “putting an animal to sleep” has been used because it appears as though the pet just goes to sleep. Euthanasia is only ever performed in a humane manner, and we encourage families to be present if they desire so. Knowing when the right time to euthanize your pet is can be a very difficult decision to make. Your veterinarian can discuss what is best for your pet and your family. The dignity and comfort of your pet is of the utmost importance to us.

What drug is used?

An injection of a strong barbiturate is used for the euthanasia procedure.

Does the clinic also provide bereavement counselling?

The grieving process for pets can be a very painful time. We encourage you to reach out for support as you adjust to life without your loved one. There are community/online support groups and resources available to help you through this difficult time. Allow yourself to grieve and be gentle with yourself. Everyone grieves differently.

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