Overweight Dog Help

Being overweight puts dogs at risk for serious health problems like diabetes and breathing issues.

We love our dogs and love to make them happy. Giving treats to our dogs is one way many people convey their love. The consequence of this for many pets is an epidemic of obesity. Obesity places your dog’s body in a constant state of inflammation. Obese pets are at a greater risk for diabetes, reduced mobility, respiratory issues, liver disease, increased anesthetic risk and reduced lifespan.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

A good guide to knowing if your dog is at a healthy weight is to take your fingers and gently slide them across your dog’s rib cage. You should easily be able to identify the ribs. If you are not sure if there is a rib under there, there is a good chance you should consider a weight loss plan for your canine companion. Take your own hand and make a fist. Now take your other hand and run your fingers along your knuckles. If you can feel the ribcage as easily as you can feel your knuckles, your dog is probably underweight and should be assessed by a Veterinarian. Another guide to assessing excess weight is to look at your dog from above when they are standing. You should be able to see a waist. If you cannot, that is another indication weight loss may be warranted. If your dog is fluffy, you may not be able to see a waist until their fur is wet. After a bath or a swim, have a peek. When uncertain, stop by our Veterinary hospital and our team will be more than happy to go over techniques to assess their body condition.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

There are some breeds of dogs that are more prone to obesity and some that are more food motivated than others. The breed that always comes to mind first is the Labrador Retriever. Having said that, every single breed of dog can become overweight. What and how much they eat contributes, how much exercise and the type of exercise they may or may not get will contribute. Are they fed table scraps? Does everyone in the home give them treats? Let food be thy medicine refers to prevention. Take steps now to get control of your pet’s weight. They will thank you for it.

Why should you have weight loss and management consultation at the clinic?

It is always a great idea to have a weight loss management consultation with your veterinary health care team because there is a lot of information on the internet. A lot of it is good, a lot of it is not. Veterinarians are highly educated professionals that are dedicated to the health and well-being of your dog and that includes being at a healthy weight. With increased weight comes a higher risk of disease and shortened lifespan. Our veterinarians will provide you correct information and set you up on a path to successful, safe weight loss for your dog.

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