Spaying and Neutering

Consider spaying or neutering your dog! Talk to our team about our top-notch surgical care.

Spaying and neutering your pet is an important step towards preventing undesirable behaviours, disease prevention, and pet overpopulation. Each year thousands of dogs are euthanized at shelters across Canada due to an insufficient number of homes.

What does neutering/spaying a dog do?

Spaying and neutering refers to the surgical removal of the testicles for males and the ovaries and uterus for females under a general anesthetic. Your dog receives the best care during their surgical visit at our hospital which will include effective, state of the art pain management and lots of snuggles. We will be more than happy to discuss this important procedure with you and give you a tour of our surgical suite with top of the line equipment and recovery areas to assure you that your canine companion will receive the best medical care.

Why is it important to neuter/spay my dog?

Spaying and neutering keeps more pets from ending up in shelters. Many dogs are euthanized each year as a result of there being an insufficient number of homes. Spaying and neutering also reduces some behavioural problems and reduces the likelihood of developing certain diseases. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate and their puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in just 6 years.

How old should a dog be before neutering/spaying?

Your veterinarian will discuss with you the best time for your pet to be spayed or neutered. The size of your dog and the sex will play a role in determining the best age. A general guide is 6 months of age but for some breeds, your veterinarian may suggest a later date.

How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?

The cost to spay or neuter your pet will vary based on the age of your pet. Many people will also opt to have their dog microchipped at the same time which will affect the cost as well. Call your veterinary healthcare team to discuss surgery fees for your pet today.

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