A Blog About Bub

Once every few months I write a blog. I never know what to write about or how to start it, until I Google for ideas.

Who knew there were so many pet bloggers out there? Oh, the cuteness!

It’s pretty easy to start a blog once you have the idea in your head about where you want to go with it.

My personal online favourite is about Bub the cat. Bub was born with a deformity affecting much of his body but goes on to live every day to the fullest! He is the sweetest, little thing and I love following him every day. He has his own website, YouTube channel, and online store where you can purchase Bub merchandise. I even carved a pumpkin in his honour one year for Halloween!

Bub has reinforced to me how wonderful their little souls really are; even when they aren’t perfect. They love us unconditionally and we should do the same for them. I have my health and a healthy family, and I am so grateful for that because not everyone is so lucky. Pets can’t tell us what’s wrong, so we have to advocate for them in order for all pets have a great life as Bub has.

To enjoy Bub as I have, visit http://www.lilbub.com/about

Written by Hollie Chow, Veterinary Assistant