Grieving the Loss of my Pet Cat

“She was a dainty, orange and white tabby with the cutest orange splash of beauty on her white moustache”. I adopted Nel from a household where another cat resided. Her submissive, calm nature was her worst enemy. She was preyed upon every day. She was so stressed that she began over grooming, vomiting and eliminating outside the litter box. Nel became an early birthday present to myself in Dec 2010. Happy birthday to me!

Our pets have no idea just how special they really are whether you’ve had them from 8 weeks of age or adopted them during their senior years. Nel has been my rock throughout the short time I had her. My significant other has been away out west for work so Nel and I were solo for some time. We bonded even more throughout the recent tragedies I was faced with (loss of grandfather and mother in law). Her presence simply filled my heart with joy. What I miss the most are the nighttime snuggles while falling asleep to the sound of her purring. If we could bottle the purr, we could cure all the world’s ailments.

Sadly, I lost her late August of 2015 at the ripe old age of 17. The last and final gift I could give her was peace.

When tragedy slips into our lives we have no way of knowing how we will react. We literally have no control and that’s OK. We learn so much about ourselves…our inner selves. Our strengths, and weaknesses and our coping abilities. Grieving is a place where we’re not naturally supposed to stay forever. Letting go does not mean that we have forgotten, it means that our time is not up yet and we must carry on and of course remember and keeping close to our hearts the legacy of those we have lost. Ride the waves and then let go, one crest at a time. Just breathe and be.

My life was rich because of you Nel.

(Go and hug your pet right now)

By: Amanda Elliott