No Creature Too Small

You never know what a day in the life of a veterinary clinic will bring; it is always exciting to see what will be coming through the doors next. Not too long ago a little boy came up to the front desk with a little goldfish inside of a mangled water bottle. He said he found it like that on the street, and he was wondering if there was anything we could do for the poor fish.

The goldfish made its way through the clinic looking for his new home; as soon as I saw this poor little fish inside a crumpled old water bottle I knew he would be coming home with me. I went to the pet store next to the clinic and bought everything he would need.

My daughter knew I was bringing a new pet home with me that day and already had a name picked out for him when I walked through the doors. His new name is Cheeto. Cheeto is doing very well in his new environment and we love having him around.

The little boy who dropped Cheeto off came back to the clinic to see how he was doing and if we were able to find him a new home. I showed him a recent picture of Cheeto in his new tank and watched the joy on his little face; he was so happy to know the fish he found was happy. I thanked him for doing such a great deed by bringing the fish to us and helping to save a life no matter how small. Welcome to our little zoo Cheeto. We are lucky to have you in our lives!

Written by Dana B, Veterinary Assistant