Tips For Caring For Senior Pets

As each year goes by, our furry family friends continue to age. They begin as our small, loving, guardians who bring joy to each day, and as they age we begin to see changes.

They transform from being a child, teenager, and adult. Our beloved pets start with so much energy and excitement, and as they age they begin to slow down. You’ll notice a change in energy, weight, and physical features. Some changes are more noticeable than others, so it is important to continue with patient care throughout their lives. Some of the options for our geriatric pals are wellness panels (bloodwork), Flexadin chews, Omega-3 supplements, and dental care.

The wellness panel (bloodwork) allows us to ensure our pet’s well-being is maintained. It checks the kidneys, liver, thyroid, glucose, and much, much more. The Flexadin chews and Omega-3 supplements are for joint support, which also aid in skin care. Dental care can also provide better health to our pets: we can brush our pet’s teeth, perform a dental cleaning, and even use a dental diet. I hope a few of these tips help as your beloved one continues to grow and age.

Written by Tiffani MacDonald, RVT